FC BARCELONA has put this announcement on its Club website:

"Given the exceptional repercussions created by the stories that have appeared in different media with respect to an agreement with Arsenal FC player Cesc Fàbregas, FCB flatly denies that there have been any negotiations or agreements with the player.

In accordance with FIFA regulations, FC Barcelona’s contract policy has always made it a priority to negotiate with the club of origin before making any particular agreement with the player.

FC Barcelona wishes to stress that it has always maintained excellent institutional relations with Arsenal FC"

Various interpretations:
1. It is true.
2. FC Barcelona - via its current Directive team lead by President
Laporta - filtered the news for "political" purposes, seeing the Club
is entering Presidential election period.
3. FC Barcelona wishes to safeguard itself against a possible FIFA rule
breaching accusation.

Stay tuned!

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