SFS knows, yes I know. Your absolutely tired of the speculations &
rumours that appear daily in reference to CRISTIANO RONALDO &
REAL MADRID. The player continually flirts with a categorical NO,
and then he drops a line that has a cryptic inclining that leaves you
wondering. The media in England & especially in Spain are
convinced & have been for months that there is a pre-contract
signed by the player with the Spanish Club & that MANCHESTER
agreed – as a promise to Ronaldo for staying another year
– to sell him at the end of this season for 100M€ to Real.


The very latest is that Real Madrid ex President & now again
candidate Florentino Perez will attempt to change the conditions
of that suspected pre-contract & lower the transfer fee with the
commissions. The assured next President of Real Madrid has the OK
from Bayern Munich French International Franck Ribery & is
pressuring Cristiano Ronaldo & his team to give in & lower their
economic pretensions.

Today – this afternoon – a new twist in the Cristiano Ronaldo /
Real Madrid saga. The Spanish Club has posted on its web that
there is absolutely NO pre-contract with the Portuguese player
or Manchester United. That all rumours are unfounded & without
base & that Real knows already that Manchester United does not
wish to sell its star.

See the official Club statement:

"En relación a determinadas informaciones aparecidas en diferentes medios de
comunicación en las últimas horas en referencia al supuesto fichaje del jugador
del Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo, el Club quiere desmentir categóricamente
dichas informaciones, no existe ningún preacuerdo para este efecto ni con el
jugador, ni con su agente ni con el Manchester United. Como bien es sabido, el
Real Madrid pretendió el traspaso del jugador el pasado verano y el Manchester
United dejó bien claro que el jugador es intransferible".

What does this all mean?

Firstly, it could be true, but SFS doubts it.

Secondly, Real Madrid is protecting its back from a FIFA sanction
for talking with a player who has a contract with another Club.

Thirdly, that the pre-contact has a secrecy clause that would
break it if it all becomes public.

Fourthly, Real Madrid wish to send a "goodwill" sign to Manchester
United with 5 days left for their clash against FC Barcelona in the
European Cup Final.

These are my reasons & opinions. SFS could be entirely wrong, along
with the rest of the World Football media. What do you think?

1 comment:

rupiawan said...

real madrid's former favorite team is me, and I believe real madrid will always be a champion

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