Source: Spanish Football Sports Blog /
The news from across the English Channel, concretely from the paper “Daily Mirror”, is that MANCHESTER UNITED Manager Alex Ferguson still considers REAL MADRID French striker KARIM BENZEMA a value asset. Perhaps he is remembering the young French International more than ever with the injury of Wayne Rooney which seems to have taken away “fire-power” up-front for his team as illustrated this weekend with the 2-1 loss to Chelsea.

The fact of the matter is that Manchester United were on the verge of signing Benzema at the start of the season had not Real Madrid intervened with its last minute 35M€ offer. However, the season for far at Real for Benzema has been difficult to say the least with adaptation difficulties (language, culture, injury & Football playing style), plus the overshadowing performance of Argentine forward Gonzalo Higuain who has put Benzema on the bench.

It would seem this situation has not gone unnoticed at Manchester United & Sir Alex Ferguson may be thinking of doing a “favour” & asking Real Madrid to allow Benzema to go over as a loan next season. The idea is two fold; have a Rooney-Benzema forward duo & a replacement for either if injured. Some may even agree that English Football is more suited to the Frenchmen than the Spanish League.

Whatever the reasons, or the possible truth behind it all, it is still pure speculation & rumour. One thinks that young Benzema will want to triumph at Real Madrid instead of leaving as a "failure", the forward seems to have character & may opt perfectly to prove it to himself, & to everyone the player he really is where he currently plays.

Let´s keep an eye on developments, we will follow this “lead” as Football has a funny way of proving logic & all of us wrong.

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