CRISTIANO RONALDO could be soon the next World Football Star to
land at REAL MADRID as published by most local media,with the
sporting daily “
As” being to most adamant. Today, with its front
cover, they publishes details of the “supposed” pact deal, the lastest
MANCHESTER UNITED reaction & the strategic moves that Real will
put in place to get the Portuguese player over to Madrid.

Last year, before the start of the season, Manchester United via its
manager Ferguson managed to convince Cristiano Ronaldo to stay
another year with the promise that he could leave at the end of this
season to Real Madrid. That promise was legally formalized by the 3
actors in this “opera play”: Ronaldo, Manchester & Real. The supposed
deal is the following according to media:

1. A 80M (Sterling) = 89M€ transfer payment to Manchester United
2. 8.7M€ commissions fee to Ronaldo representative Jorge Mendes
3. The right to exercise the transfer before the 30th of June 2009 by
Real Madrid
4. If not, & Real Madrid go back on the deal, there is a 30M€
penalty payment.

This was negotiated & signed by ex Real Madrid President Calderon,
to which new President Florentino Perez considers the figures to be

Latest news comments that Real Madrid has approached Manchester
to see if they will accept a re-negotiation &/or players to
lower the transfer fee agreed. The answer - & always supposed by
local media – is that Manchester will not change its already agreed
position, thus directing Real Madrid to the legal agreement & the
30M€ penalty clause if they do not exercise their right before the
30th of June.

Newspaper “AS” publish that under this circumstance Real Madrid
President Florentino has decided to go ahead with the operation
& exercise the deal that will cost the Club ( transfer+ commissions,
etc) a staggering 96M€. Having said this, SFS believe that there is
someway yet to go with this story & that Real Madrid will continue
negotiating until the deadline – with players & other formulas – to
lower the terms. What is clear is that Cristiano Ronaldo has all the
signs of being a Real Madrid player next season.

Menawhile Cristiano Ronaldo is in Los Angeles on holidays waiting
to be operated for a hernia in the next days. Real Madrid has sent
a doctor over to see the situation & the operation which will delay
his pre-season & put him in rest for at least a month.

1 comment:

Manchester United said...

Excellent information. This sounds exactly like what I've been looking for.

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