The Spanish National Team has been breaking records since it won the
European Championship in 2008 against Germany. The moulding of a young
generation of extraordinary & talented players is taking Spanish Football to
heights it has never known before in its history.


SPAIN has achieved 31 games without knowing defeat (28 victories & 3 draws)
& is getting close to the all time record held by BRAZIL with 35 games
(1993 – 1996). Closer is the mythical HUNGARY team of Puskas which were
undefeated in 32 games (1950-1954) & considered one of the greatest teams of
all time by its extraordinary play with 144 goals. Until & if then, Spain has
already achieved in equalling the longest undefeated streak in its own History,
an almighty achievement in its own right.

The key for the Spanish team is its mix of youth & experience, players in their
early - mid 20s (Pique, Ramos, Torres, Xabi, Casilla, Mata, Busquets etc) plus
well cultured players in European & overseas experience. The individual skills
have been disciplined to serve one another & create a team unit that is
confident, & maintains a steady & winning mentally.

The Spanish team will lose, that is inevitable, however they are comfortably
doing what they do best, play a wonderful style of touch Football they have
made their own with a hunger to win every game that shows a winners
mentality that is difficult to defeat & overcome. For a country like Spain,
accustomed to decades of falling short on the big occasions, this team is a joy
& honour to watch, every win is a victory over past history & a spirit building
event that unites the nation & allows it to keep on dreaming with Sporting
titles. Please don´t stop the music, don´t stop this dream!

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