SIMAO SABROSA, Portugues & Benefica player, could be
back in SPANISH FOOTBALL. Simao 1ยบ played in Spain
with Barcelona FC, before retuning again to Portugues
Football & to Benefica.

The interest this time come from VALENCIA FC, who wish to
re-inforce their right wing with a proven class player. Newly
appointed Football Director & ex- Valencia player, Carboni,

sees the Portugues striker as being ideal.

Benfica has put a price of 20,000,000€, but may lower it if
Valencia adds some players in the deal. There are talks that
Valencia may put in the deal Hugo Viane &/or Carlos Marchena.

These are just rumours & I´ll keep you informed on how things
develops in the coming days or weeks. Stay tuned!

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