The transfer rumour season is finally on its way & will fill the Sports papers until the start of the next 2010-2011 Spanish Football League – La Liga – season. Spanish Sports daily “Marca” does not wish to be left behind & publish today that another name is on the list of REAL AMDRID to fill the “problematic” left-back position: ASHLEY COLE (Chelsea FC).

The list of interested players is growing with Cole joining other names as Evra (Manchester United), Kolarov (Lazio), Clychy (Arsenal), André Santos (Fenerbaçhe), Filipe Luis (Deportivo) y David Luiz (Benfica). It seems that Cole is passing through a difficult time personally which has left a mark & has decided that a change of place will do him some good. The comments are that Spain is the place chosen by the player, which he has communicated to his Club, & that seeing this is his intention Real Madrid is studying the option of luring him over. Stay tuned!

What´s your thoughts, good option?


Unknown said...

i think he is too problematic and will bring lots of unwanted baggage along

Striker said...

Its only rumour...still may things need to happen!

Zazinho said...

Would be a great addition to the team.

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