The popular Roman saying invented by the poet Juvenal & later used
as a political instrument by the Roman Cesar’s to calm the masses,
give them bread & circuses”, has been taken further in Spain which
has currently a close to 11% unemployment rate. As from the 10th of
February the Spaniard, & most happily the Football lover & fan, could
find himself with 7 days straight of Football games. In fact, from
the 10th of February until the end of this season it is scheduled that
there will be only 8 days without Football.

The professional Clubs, along with La Liga (the authority organism)
& the Spanish Football Federation, approved yesterday the motion
of playing 2º Division games on Friday & 1º Division games on
Monday. This opens up the possibility of experiencing Football on
a typical week in the following manner:

Mon – Liga Football (21.00hrs game)
Tues – Champions League
Weds – Champions League
Thurs – Europa League
Fri – 2º Division Football (21.00hrs game)
Sat – Liga
Sun – Liga

Lastly, lets not forget the Spanish National Team dates, which natural
will have preferential treatment over this new schedule.

The motives had to do more with economic issues than political,
especially the influence exercised by the powerful TV operators
who see their “menu” of offers extended. Part of their argument to
extend playing days is that the “modest clubs” will see increased
their revenues as they will be the Clubs that will be scheduled for
the Friday/Monday games in their majority.

Over saturation? Will this kill off the "goose that lays the golden eggs?
Will the new technologies - online free TV - increase & thus torpedo
TV operators plans? Questions to discuss with the only sure thing to
say that if you love Football this is your "paradise" ideal. Off to the

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