According to local sports paper “AS”, the young Brazilian Football (Soccer)
promise & goal scoring star KEIRRISON is sending “love messages”
to Spanish Club FC BARCELONA. The PALMEIRAS player that in
Brazil they call the “new Romario”, or “K9” after finishing as the maximum
goal scorer of the passed Brazilian Championship with 21 goals has said
to TV “ESPN” that he admires Barcelona & dreams of playing alongside
Leonel Messi.

The youngster has been followed in the last years by several big European
Clubs & is on the verge of making the jump to European Football. If we
are to believe news sources, his desire is Spanish Football & FC Barcelona.
However, if we follow observation & experience Brazilian Footballers
(not all, but most) will usually finally go to the Club that bids highest.

Can you give SFS more insight on Keirrison? Believe he´ll end up at Barça?

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