A couple of days ago it was the "Daily Mail", now it´s "The Times"
that insists that there is a "pact" between MANCHESTER UNITED
player CRISTIANO RONALDO & Spanish giant REAL MADRID. The
novelty here is that the reports & insistence is coming from English media
& not from Spain. The story says that there is a verbal agreement with
CR representative Jorges Mendes for a move in 2010.

Here is the latest rundown. The deal is set for 2010 as part of ex- Real
Madrid President Florentino Perez bid to win the Real Madrid
Presidential elections due for that same year. The idea is that Perez will
use the "
announced signing" of CR to win the votes of the members &
fans to give him
the Club´s Presidency.

Remember Florentino Perez is the pioneer of the "Galatic Team" model,
he poached Luis Figo from FC Barcelona to win the Presidency,
then he
brough stars Zidane, Ronaldo & Beckham.

Many believe that Perez is working in the shadows to undermine the current

President Calderon & his team so as to clear the path for his "Return Of
The Messiah" campaign.

However, lets speculate ourselves in this Shakespearen "Football play".
Can it
be all a Manchester United/English Press alliance to undermine
the Spanish giant? Doubt it. Can it be Ronaldo had a "pact" with current
President Calderon & now wishes to go back on his word because he
changes alliance to now go with
Florentino Perez (more money)? Perhaps.

What´s clear is that this story is´nt going away & as it continues, the secret

"pact" idea gains strenght either with Calderon or with Florentino Perez.


Unknown said...

This is more than slightly off topic, but...

When did you become a fan of Sporting de Gijon, Striker?

Anonymous said...

Hi John , a pleasure to explain.

When I was 7 years old my uncle took me to my very first Football games an ATMadrid match (my uncle was ATM), I fell "in love immediately" with ATM.

However, the opposing team was Sporting of Gijon, they lost 4-1, big win for ATM :)

But I felt sympathy for Sporting de Gijon, the colours...etc. Then life took an interesting turn. My wifes sister married a man from Gijon (plus Sporting fan) , my both nephews ( one of which Im the godfather) are from Gijon (their sons). I travel to Gijon 5- 6 times a year.

Thus my closeness & sympathy for Sporting Gijon ; with my 1st love ATMadrid.


Sonia said...

Cristiano Ronaldo is awesome!

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