has gone publically on the Clubs website to dismiss the news that
there exists a "secret" agreement between himself & REAL MADRID
for him to go next season. He goes further & calls the Real Directive
that leaked the news as a "liar" & adds he his happy at Manchester
& with his Football guardian angel Alex Ferguson.

This seems to indicate the Cristiano Ronaldo has finally shut the door
on Real Madrid. Do you believe this? Lets analizes further, in SFS

Firstly, SFS thinks it should remind everyone that Ronaldo was extremely
close, on the verge, of going to Real Madrid last season. Press sources &
the way his actual Club reacted - Ferguson´s outragous comments against
Real Madrid & trips to Portugal - indicate that it was a done deal, so much

so, that Real Madrid risked its pre-summer planification for the 2008/09
season on his arrival. Real Madrid current playing problems stem directly
from the fact that they put all their eggs in the Cristiano Roanldo basket.
What happenned?

The "kid" did not have the balls to rebel, in plain English. The pressure
his Club, Coach & fans was intense, but press reports - Spanish &
Internationally - rumoured that Ferguson assured Ronaldo that if he stayed
another season he would
allow Cristiano to leave for Real Madrid for
2009/10. Immediately Real Madrid
backed off & allowed the kid to work
on his public relations strategy to win back
Club fans & press in England.

We all remember the numorous public statements last year from Ronaldo,
statements that
said his dream was to play in Spain, with Real Madrid ...
etc & etc. What has occurred to let those dreams fly away? NOTHING!

SFS believes, that all this follows an agreed strategy at the start of
the season
between Ronaldo, his representative, Real Madrid & Manchseter
United, too
silence everything so everyone can concentrate on their
individual independent
& mutual objectives for the 2008/09 season:
local competitions titles & Champions League. The "accidental" leaking
from a Real Madrid representative
follows current "internal" Real Madrid
disputes at Directive levels & fanbase
containment strategies due to Real
Madrid´s terrible start & situation. All parties have political motives locally

to best use the information they have in their pocession.

What if Manchester United gets knocked out of the Champions League? If
Manchester United does´nt win FA Cup or Premier titles? If Ronaldo has a
relative poor season? SFS & many already know that Ronaldo is a very

ambitious & "egocentric" person that needs to be always on the front page &
in the limelight. The results will determine Ronaldo´s future, not Manchester

Today´s Web statement is just another public relations move which could well
follow a logical
"silence code" & "smoke screen" policy in line with "secret"
pacts. Only time will
say if SFS hunch is correct, what SFS will guarantee
is that Ronlado WILL NOT
stay forever at Manchester United & will leave
when the results or objective
does not suit the Ronaldo "dreams": titles,
fame, money & to be the greatest player
of all time. If that means leaving
Man Utd, not going finally to Real Madrid,
so be it! Ronaldo will go to
the Club
were his ambitions = dreams, fit perfectly.

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