More bad news for REAL MADRID, as local dailys inform that
a knee injury will force RUUD VAN NISTELROOY out for the
This will force Real Madrid to comb the Football market in order
to replace this loss with a class forward in the January "Winter
Market", but that will be difficult.
Real Madrid is suffering a chain of bad news that has affected the
Market", but that will be difficult.
Real Madrid is suffering a chain of bad news that has affected the
teams confidence: Coach Schuster is even being questioned & rumoured
to have his job on the line. However, SFS insists most of the problems
(not Van Nistelrooy´s injury) stem from poor planning during the
(not Van Nistelrooy´s injury) stem from poor planning during the
Summer break, here Mijatovic & President Calderon must be made
*Thanks to "Mundo deportivo" for the Club header"
*Thanks to "Mundo deportivo" for the Club header"
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