It´s a REAL MADRID obsession, it´s an illness, they just will
not give in, & keep at it, to see the Portugues superstar CRISTIANO
dress in the Real uniform. The local daily "AS", via its

web, has revealed conversations between Real Madrid Football
Director, Pedja Mijatovic & a freelance French journalist for
L´Equipe, in London last week.

Mijatovic travelled to London to witness the Chelsea vs
Fenerbahce Champions League clash while doing "business".

Their he confessed to L´Equipe journalist that Cristiano Ronaldo
is the maximum priority of Real Madrid for next season.

Real Madrid wish to repeat a revolutionary signning, Zidane type

in its day, to shake the Football World & put the club back in the
main spotlight. They wish Ronaldo to be their figurehead of the

It´s been rumoured that Real Madrid are willing to fork out an
increible 120M€ to convience Manchester United to let him go.
The English club has already announced that they will NOT LET
HIM GO even at that price. It remains a Real Madrid dream!

Will it stay that way?

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