It´s the "Title" from Spanish newspaper "El Mundo", REAL MADRID
Brazilian midfielder JULIO BAPTISTA is back in fashion after taking
the place of GUTI in the starting line-up, & the opportunity to play.

Funny how things quickly changes in Football, 3 weeks ago Baptista
could´nt get a place on the Real Madrid starting line up. Added to this,
the club was trying to find an alternative team for the player & Baptista
stood firm in his belief that he would eventually have the chance to prove
them all wrong.

That chance came with the "stupid" Red Card that Guti recieved the 24
November that left his team in disadvantage, a regular habit that blackens
the players image & has cost the team victories & points. Since then Baptista
has played in Guti´s position in a fantastic manner, with winning passes &
goals ( last night - see below on Video - was a beauty).

It now seems that coach Schuster is applying the old saying "...if it aint broke
don´t fix it" & Baptista is now in favour.

Lets see how long this will last.

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