The best attacking lineup for years: Aguero & Forlan, added to whom
there is Luis Garcia, Simao, Maniche, Reyes, Raul Garcia, Jurado &
Maxi Rodiguez. A total of 23 goals in 11 league games, the same as
Barça & only passed by Real Madrid with 25 goals.
But why these continual faces of absolute surprise?

A leaking defence, similiar to Swiss cheese in terms of holes in the
Atletico defence.

The teams has let in 14 goals in the last 11 games, ok fine, but half
off them in the last 2 games! Added to this we witness the defending
"disease" against Lokomotive in the Uefa Cup game, where the Russians
came back & lost only to a brilliant flash from Aguero.
Lets remember some other recent moments: Vs Barcelona, rememeber
Abbiati´s fumble? Vs Sevilla Fc , yes Atletico won 3-4, but allowed
Sevilla to nearly take the game. Yesterday Vs Villareal, Leo Franco,
Lopez´s & Perea´s mistakes to give the game to Villareal!
Yes, its Atletico´s best start in 10 years, it´s 5th position & with 20 points.
But is Atletico happy with this arguement? Does it pretend to win the
"Liga" with this mentality? Imagine where it could be right now, if its defence
was organized, concentrating & co-ordinated; leading the Spanish 1º Division
League ( or at least fighting for the top spot)!

The team needs to find answers & solutions quickly the defensive holes if
they are to seriously think themselves as serous contenders in "La Liga"
or in Uefa. If not, it will be a real pity, as the forward line is awesome
& it will never be able to eliminate the "nearly contender" tag as they can
this season. They have the team to do it!

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