There is no doubt that the future success of any Football club is
the flow of continuos young talent that can came into a side &
"replace" the "older" members at any given time.
FC BARCELONA are now reaping in the benefits of a carefully
thought out "youth policy" that is giving rise to a batch of increible

young football players that will guarentee the clubs future success.
Already their are names that are catching the attention locally &
Internationally, so much so, that Barça must be careful from the
"attacks" of other clubs upon their young starts. They still remember
how ARSENAL took away a very young CESC FABREGAS from
under their noses a few years back.

BOJAN KRKIC - the youngster is proving to be the best player at the
U/17 World Championships. He is the main factor that has managed to
place the Spanish U/17 side in the final. His future is full of promise.

GIOVANNI DE SANTOS - the young Mexican is on the verge of
claiming a place in the Barça señior side. The youngster has been
approached by a big International club ( sources say Chelsea ) to
leave Barça, which has prompted the latter to begin to better his
contract terms. Barça does not want another "Cesc Fabregas" incident.
Experts claim the player is heading towards World Class status.

GAY ASSULIN - very young Israeli
player who has caught the attention
of the experts & is said to be
destined to become a huge player
in the future. They are already
"grooming" the youngster for bigger
& better things.

Another name to look out for is THIAGO ALCANTARA who is
showing signs of "crack" at the junior level.

Lastly lets not forget that LIONEL MESSI can still be considered
as belonging to this bracket as he has only 19 years of age.

So keep an eye out on these names , they are sure to be coming to
a staduim near you in the future, & they are assuring the future of
FC Barcelona


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