SPAIN plays tonight LATVIA in its Group F qualifier for the Euro
Championships 2008, & it is a must win game if they wish to be
present with the European elite.

Spain gave a shocking image last Saturday against Iceland & they had
luck on their side with Sweden & Denmark drawing & Latvia defeating
Northen Ireland, to keep Spains hopes alive.

Spanish coach Luis Aragones is not showing his cards, as the pressure
is on, so we can only speculate with the possible line-ups. However,
Liverpool striker FERNANDO TORRES maybe sacrificed as he continues
with his love - hate relationship with coach Aragones & XAVI ALONSO
misses out due to the Red Card last Saturday. So here is a hypothetical
line-up which may change:
Place: Oviedo , Spain
Time : 22.00 ( Sp.Time)

Spain: Casillas, Ramos, Juanito, Marchena, Capdevila, Joaquin, Albelda,
Xavi, Iniesta, Silva & Villa

Latvia: Vanins, Klara, Zirnis, Ivanous, Gorkss, Bleidelii, Laizans, Rubins,
Astafjevs, Karlsons & Verpakovskis

Surf into SFS late tonight for the result & images.

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