Its been announced on "Radio Marca" as an exclusive: REAL MADRID
has decided that ZARAGOZA Argentine forward DIEGO MILITO is
the NÂș9 that they need to solve their goal creating deficit.

If this is correct, Real Madrid can have the player by simply paying
his contract release clause which is 25M€. In Spain, clubs set
automatic release clauses ( agreed with player) in their players
contracts, & any team - local o internatioanal - can take the player
if they pay the stipulated amount, independently if the player has
yet to finish his term with his existing club.

The urgency comes after Real Madrid´s shocking defeat to Sevilla
in the SuperCup, were Real coach Schuster feels that the problem is
his teams lack of goal creating opportunities.

This may put the Robben signning on the back burner for a while, as
the money available maybe channelled towards the Milito buy. To soften
the Zaragoza backlash, Real may introduce JULIO BAPTISTA or
SOLDADO into the operation to give Zaragoza a competent
substitute for their forward line.

Is this news true? Who knows, it will be wise to wait & see. SFS stops
short of confirming 100% & just announces that it is a real possiblity &
that its gainning ground in the local football circles.

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