No sanctions.
Directives & Coach Rijkaard speak to Eto´o & shut
the case, looking towards the future successes.
Eto´o goes & trains with his teammates.
Lastly, the picture tells a 1000 stories, or does it?

The hug at trainning today between Eto´o &
Ronaldinho shows the World that the "crisis" is
over. Do you really believe it?

Whats clear is that FC Barcelona have a pragmatic & sensible
club structure. They are on top of the Spanish League ladder,
are hot with the Champions League & well alive in the Spanish
Cup. Added to all this, they know full well that they need Eto´o s
goals upfront to secure success & a happy Ronaldinho to keep
the ball flowing. Its smart, leave the feelings aside & get on with the
business. At times a "blind eye" is needed, this being todays case.

SFS will assure you that we will be back in the future - weeks
or months - to remember the ongoing Eto´o antics again. Don´t be
fooled readers, we will again see Eto´o at his "wonderful" best!


Anonymous said...

Welcome , hope to see you back. Thanks & cheers

Photoarrey said...

Striker, from man to man. You don't like Eto'o are my right?

Anonymous said...

Arrey, dont know the person, how can you say that. Just follow the facts & the shared opinions of many many other people & journos.

Photoarrey said...

I guess you are right. You will have to admit, Barca could habe been better, if hje played yesterday

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