I can fill this page up with 50 pictures,
but it would´nt be enough, its been difficult
to choose these 3, as I could have included
the goal by Arruabarrena in the 57´, Sorin
bleeding from the eye after Materazzi
elbowed him, Jose Maria running all night
...etc ,etc.

But I ´ll stay with these 3 images
The first tells us the Villareal has beaten Inter Milan 1-0 &
thus making history for the club by qualifying for
the European Cup semi-finals. The second is my man of the match ,
Argentine International Riquelme, who dazzled, controlled, inspired,
motivated, zig- zagged, dribbled & basically played as the authentic moter
of the team. An awesome display of talent , vision & use of mind ahead of heart.

Having said that, Villareal played
as a TEAM - 3ยบ picture - every
component played its part to
make the whole team into a wonderful
machine , which pushed aside an Inter
side which just could´nt stop the sheer
determination of Villareal. Said in other
words, Villareal wanted to win more than
Inter, & you pay for it in European
Cup competition. The dream stays alive!

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