This blog is about Spanish Football & Sports, & luckly
this country has given us some great Golf players. Apart
from Seve Ballesteros & Sergio Gracia, the other legend
in Spanish Golf is Jose Maria Olazabal. Sergio has a
ways to go yet for legend status , but he has 15 yrs to
gain such distinction.

Tomorrow commences the US Masters (one of the 4
big ones) at the legendary Augusta course. Chema -
sort for Jose Maria - is in fine form & the tipsters have
put him in with the bag of favourites, which no doubt
includes Tiger Woods ...etc.

Chema is going after his 3 Green Jacket - already has 2 -
& thus cement his place - if not already - further in the
history of the US Masters & Spanish Golf. So we´ll all
be keeping in touch on developments at the US Masters which begin tomorrow & go on until the 9th of April.
Good luck Chema.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Striker , I think Tiger is the real favorite

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