Ladies & Gentleman excuse this ongoing debate.

Rumours are part of this wonderful game, its
unavoidable; they keep illusions alive, sell plenty
of newspapers & magazines, create smoke screens
for other unknown tactically moves & are used in

The rumours concerning this player are multiple
here. Thierry Henry is beginning to be the center
of a battle between Barcelona & Real Madrid, while
his current club Arsenal is attempting to hold him
at all costs.

Until recently, it was popularly accepted that Henry
would walk the "RAMBLAS" next season. Now , it´s
come to light that Real Madrid has held talks with
Thierry since January 06 & that negociations are

In a nutshell, Henry is considering ALL options & will
decide at the end of Arsenal´s European Cup run.
Logical & smart move from the French International, but it´s clear
that history repeats itself; everytime Bracelona goes after a player,
Real sticks it´s nose in & vice versa. There is nothing like
good old rivalry & plenty of rumours.

But there is more folks.

Real Madrid´s efforts for Henry are very serious they say , & have a Plan B if they are unsuccessful - Wayne Rooney.

Does Manchester United know about this?

Independiently if they do or don´t , I don´t believe this player is for Real Madrid. He may be great for English Football, but doubt he´ll do well in Real Madrid or Spanish Football, you need to have a "well furnished head" & this boy raise some doubts.

Need a tough mature character to come to a new country , learn a new language, adapt to a new style of game & possibly learn that you are not the STAR of the team . Will Rooney´s head be able to take it all in?
I doubt it & may actually begin to cause problems . Better Henry I think ,
if they sway the Frenchman, instead of the "mysterious Rooney".

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