Roberto Carlos - Brazilian International & Real Madrid´s right back - has won it ALL: World Cups, European Cups, InterContinental Cups, Spanish League Cups, SuperCups...& god knows what other Cups that I may have left out.

He´s been recognized as the Best Right Back Defender in the World for the last 5 to 8 years, a great professional with millions of adoring fans & with his ever smiling face.
But that professionalism & smile have disappeared from Roberto´s face

in the last year, apart from the speed & work effort that we have been
accustomed from the Brazilian.

I am beginning to question this player, not only for his obvious
drop in form - which I think stems from the following - a worrying
change in attitude which is affecting his image, his professionalism,
his team & dare I say mental health - seems to smile less & enjoy
less playing.

The last year has been tough, there are all sorts of comments
that he is part of the "uncontrolable & untouchable" clan of stars
that played their role in the downfall of ex - President Florentino Perez ,
not too mention a few coaches ( eg Camacho). This comes to light
with such comments as , " I don´t really care much about Mr. Perez"
on the day of his resignation. But what has put on the RED LIGHT
was his antics , raves & final action in last Saturday´s
match against Barcelona.

Let´s set up the scene: Real Madrid has been wounded & its
prestige questioned, it´s 11 points behind Barcelona & a win against
arch rivals could lift spirits - players & fans - to attempt to go after
Barça & at least try dying for the title, the worst result would be in
doing so, securing the 2º place from a hungry Valencia o Osasuna. It´s
Real Madrid´s natural obligation to do so because of it´s history,
its status & prestige, plus its every players obligation to do
so as professionals.

Well on Saturday with Barcelona steam-rolling Real Madrid & the
threat hanging over of an autentic whitewash, Mr. Carlos makes
a questionable tackle in the penalty area against Van Brommel which
is whistled penalty. Ok , I don´t wish to enter arguements if it was or not a penalty, what I do wish to comment is that Mr.Carlos swallowed hook & sinker a tricky & fox type move from Van Brommel : like a child. So much experience & Roberto Carlos is "played" by a shifty player looking for the maximum penalty.

With Real Madrid down 1-0 & Barça crashing them on the field ,
Mr. Carlos decides to continue the useless arguements with no sense
at all, & hassle verbally with all sorts of swear words, the referee which gave him the RED card - naturally , what do you expect! This left his team with 10 men, against Barcelona, with all that the match meant for his team & his fans. No real thinking here by Mr.Carlos, why should he , as it seems his team & fans are not the same for him
as in the past. Do I need to mention he was VICE-CAPTAIN on the
night! Did he bother to think about his team mates , the game, the
title race ...I was absolutely stunned, & it typified the end of a brilliant
career, at least at Real Madrid. To add salt to the wound , Real Madrid
later played better , scored a goal & managed a draw , plus Raul Bravo
who took over his position played brillantly.

I hope Roberto Carlos gets his head together, regains his
professionalism, considers that he is who he is , thanks to his team ,
teammates & fans, & at least , go down ending his career with dignity,
praise & regain that lost smile by loving the game again.
Continuing down the above sad road will only bring on problems,
first of them, a departure from Real Madrid & I hope not just a another
vague & grey memory in football history.

SEE: Last weekends Football roundup below


zaragocista said...

Well, it´s a very interesting article about this player.To tell the truhth, I think R.Carlos is out of Madrid and these things don´t help

Anonymous said...

Thanks Zaragocista.
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