Sad & frustrating day for SPANISH SPORTS , Spanish Cycling & for World Nº1 cycle-rider ALBERTO CONTADOR after the "Court of Arbritration for Sport" (TAS) gave in their sentence of a 2 year penalty today. But if that was harsh they also retired his 2010 Tour de France & 2011 Giro de Italia title.

But there is more, Alberto Contador can begin riding again the 6th of August 2012, that means he will miss out on this years Olympic Games & Tour de France. A devasting blow.

Alberto Contador

I do not wish to get into the details of his "supposed" doping or the moral & ethical issues (read the 1000s of documents), except say that the Judge who handed in the final sentence - after an unprecedented &  very strange 565 day wait - Efraim Barak, said that the Tribunal could not prove beyond doubt that Contador did dope himself. Here is a new one that will give a "legal precedent", you can be sentenced without being proved guilty. 

Bullshit aside - & there has been plenty from the Tour de France organizers & the International Cycling Association (UCI) - what is clear as water is that this sentence has got nothing to do with finding "justice" per say. It´s got to do with finding a powerful "scape-goat" that will serve as an example, its got to do with power - politics & some very jealous-envious European neighbours which cannot stand to see Spaniards take their National Cycling Title every year. 

This would not have occurred if the cyclist in question (instead of being Spanish & who has the potential to win the Tour de France the next four years, Contador) was a Frenchmen ( Sarkozy would have fixed things ) , German ( Merkel would have cleared things) English ( Cameron would have spoken out) , Russian ( Putin would have cut off the gas to Europe) or American ( Armstrong has been under a cloud for years .... ). It is just a Spaniard that has a country in a debt crisis calling for favours of all sorts everyday. Nice moment to stick the boot in ... I am sure some of our European brothers will be laughing their "wheels" off.

I will like to send my support to Contador & hope he keeps his spirits ups & hope most Spaniards pass on the Tour de France this year as it has already lost its glitz & credibilty. Lastly, if your a cyclist , beware, a multi-vitamin complex may get you banned depending which country your from...

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