Source: Spanish Football Sports Blog /
The objective was achieved, SPAIN won 2-0 HONDURAS in their second Group H match, which the SPANISH NATIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM needed to win at all costs to avoid going home prematurely. The other objective was to score goals in order to avoid a possible 3 team table draw on points within the Group & ensure the Spanish classification via a greater goal figure. This last plan was partially achieved with the 2 goals scored but the sour taste left in the mouth post match was the amount of chances-opportunities that Spain did not materialize into more goals.

The fact was, that Spain should have won this game with more than six goals; there was a post by David Villa, a missed penalty by David Villa, Fernando Torres missing 3 clear chances, Sergio Ramos not scoring a pair, Xavi not getting a clear header & so on & so on. This lack of goal finishing & an alarming drop in physical form of the Spanish National Team in the last 20 minutes of the game are factors to take note, study & rectify urgently if Spain are to go on in the tournament & attempt to defeat Chile in their last game of Group H to ensure their qualification. This last feat will not be easy at all as Chile is clearly in better form with more rhythm even if Spain is the better Football playing team, which will mean nothing if Spain cannot score goals.

The much awaited & needed first goal for the SPAIN WORLD CUP TEAM came in the 16th min after "Man of The Match" DAVID VILLA scored a fabulous individual goal that calmed the SPANISH FOOTBALL TEAM nerves & give an important mental boost that all "Strikers" need to lift their confidence & break the "ice".

From here it was a cascade of missed opportunities that frustrated more than lifted the Spanish spirits. Fernando Torres who started was promising , hard working but out of syncronization as he failed some real sitters that I personally could not explain except that he still needs a few more games under his belt.

The second half saw Honduras go out strong & shake a "relaxed" Spanish Team the first 5 mins which reacted with a counter-attcak to which DAVID VILLA finished scoring his second goal in the 51st min. The Spaniards were back on a roll, & soon won a penalty when Navas was floored in the penalty area to give Villa his chance to grab a "hat-trick". To everyones surprised Villa missed & it looked as if the SPANISH NATIONAL TEAM was jinxed with the goal.

Spanish National Coach Del Bosque made some chances by taking off Fernando Torres exhausted from his 1ºst half running , Sergio Ramos & Xavi. This last change effected the midfield as it lacked from here onwards a clear ladder to pass the ball with a clear precision operation style. In fact, the evolving observation was the alarming sudden drop in the physical form that made the Spaniards look slow & lethargic, even with 3 fresh players on.

Conclusion, the end result is definately positive with a vital victory, & that the SPAIN NATIONAL TEAM still has its chances wide open to keep going on, a fate in their hands as they will need to win Chile to achieve that goal. The worrying aspect is their lack of definition in the final play & lack of goal converting which they could pay dearly if not solved. This & the very worrying drop in their physical fittness towards the end of the game, doesn´t give the observer lots of confidence that Spain will actual win Chile. The last Group H game against Chile looks set to be a grand battle & a dangerous one at that as Spain will not have it easy at all. I feel that if Spain can defeat Chile that they will again become firm favourites to take this World Cup, said differently, defeating Chile makes it the "ultimate" game.


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