Source: Spanish Football Sports Blog /
What is ex Real Madrid, Mallorca & FC Barcelona star forward SAMUEL ETO´O dong these days? The player is at Inter Milan & apparently after a good start to the season, suffered a mid-season rough patch & now seems to be coming back to his very best. Great timing for Inter who will welcome his goals while they fight out the Italian Serie A title & attempt to further go on in Champions League.

Yesterday Eto´o scored two goals in Inter Milan 3-1 victory over Livorno in Serie A. Check this VIDEO of this magnificent 2º goal by the ex-Barca star...:

Many Barça fans & local Sports commentators have voiced that they miss Eto´o this season upfront for Barcelona. Some comment that Ibrahimovic hasn´t the diverse habilities for Spanish Football - obviously the Swede is still adapting - that Eto´o has & the defensive qualities of an attacker.

If your a Barça fan, do you miss Eto´o?


icemel said...

Yeah I miss him in so many ways. His goals off course, but also his pride, which I think, helped Barca more than hurt it.

Adrian said...

I have to say. I am pleasantly surprised with how well Ibra is doing. Yes, he's still adjusting and will get better but it's not as if he's not scoring goals.

Having said that, I still Miss Eto'o. I think giving away Eto'o and then paying the 50 or 60 million was way too much money. More importantly though I thought they treated Eto'o badly.

I've heard he was a pain in the locker room but he still gave loyal service to his club for years and they should have honored that.

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