Spanish Sports media reactions (especially Madrid based) along with International sources are having a meal day with yesterdays elimination of REAL MADRID from CHAMPIONS LEAGUE after the 1-1 draw ( 1-2 loss on aggregate) with Olympique de Lyon.

However, lets have a different look at things. Football imitates life itself with important lessons that are learnt & need to be put in practice: the fall can be long from the top, humility, respect, teamwork, cautiousness, discretion, it isn´t won until the end...etc, & another dozen of sayings that are wise & applicable to this case & Sport.

Lets see how in 48 hours "Football Life" can turn around completely, how bad luck can play a part & how it is always wise to be careful with words & respect the opponent no matter how "inferior" on paper they may seem to be initially. The e
uphoria not controlled can be counter-productive.

Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos goes on record on the front cover of "Marca" to afirm: "We will win 3-0", while other team-mates say things similiar but not so direct. Lyon players arrive at Madrid that same morning & read this. They are naturally upset at the statements & feel Real Madrid should have some respect.

Match night - PJANIC scores in the 75th min. This goal eliminates Real Madrid from Champions. Earlier in the first half Higuaín ( "World star" the week before) hit the post (bad-luck) & missed a "sitter" that would have "killed off" Lyon in the 1º half possibly with a 3-0 scoreline. In the break Lyon Coach remembers players of the "Marca 3-0 cover", bravely makes a double substitution change to look for the needed goal seeing that Real Madrid are infact "ineffective" & wins the battle.

Real Madrid players & Coach do not/cannot react in the 2º half with the "new" Lyon attitude. Coach Pellegrini makes controversial substitution decisions ( Kaká & M. Diarra) that will have after shocks.

POST - MATCH: Lyon players in the tunnels ask Real defender Sergio Ramos : "Were´nt you meant to win us 3-0? Verbal fight breaks out between players.

"CATASTROPHE" - the main message of all media & International press. More adjectives: Disaster, Galaxy turns into a Black Hole, Failure...

Speculation rises of the end of the road at Real Madrid for Coach Manuel Pellegrini. Tagged as docil, lacking in ideas, a Coach not up to the level, lacking in character, a coward...The rumour is that Real Madrid will keep Pellegrini until the end of this season ( League title still up for grabs) & then cease with his services

Signs of internal dressing room problems in the horizon. Kaká´s Communications Director Diogo Kotscho Twits this message after the substitution of Kaká: "Coach is a coward, always picks a player to blame or to divert the focus of his incompetence". This is "retwitted" to the World by Kaká wife ...

Guti adds wood to the fire by claiming on TV after the match that ..."Real cannot solve the big occasions & need to overcome the individual tendency & learn to play as a team".


Coldplay warned us about it all, about the way LIFE itself operates & how we all need doses of humility in our lifes. Here is the VIDEO of "Viva La Vida", let us allow the music to sooth the pain, & see if we can all learn something, at least...:

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sweep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of sand, pillars of sand...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great post, however i think that peligerini is not to blame, higuain missed a chance to make it 2 - 0...he also did not pass to ronaldo who was in a better position to score which could have made it 3 - 0 and people would be singing praises about the coach

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