SFS readers may think that there exists certain favouritism towards
REAL MADRID in this blog, this idea is far from the truth as it is SFS
policy to be as unbiased as possible with coverage to all that is of
interest. What occurs is that Real has returned to dominate most
media headlines with the return of Florentino Perez as President of
the Club & its applied politics of upcoming star signings that are
dazzling & "revolutionizing" the market, the media & most of the
World’s Football (Soccer) fans.

(photo :

Today Spanish sports daily “Marca put on their front cover the team
line up that the “newREAL MADRID under Perez is striving for next
season. It’s arguable whether it can be achieved; there is still a long
way to go with a string of negotiations, other competitors &
affirmations from various actors & players before this all can become a
reality. But Real has began the process & the theoretical objective is
quite frankly awesome & envious independently of which team you
may belong or follow. Said another way, if you are a rational & sport
loving person with an unbiased view & have a true appreciation your
only argument &/or “irritation” will be that this is not the line-up for
your particular team next season.

Here is the objective & desired line-up that Real Madrid is working
for next season:
Casillas; Sergio Ramos, Pepe, Albiol, Marcelo; Xabi Alonso, Silva,
Ribéry or Raúl; Kaká, Cristiano Ronaldo & Villa

As said, whether it will end up like this or not is to be seen. However,
you must admit it is impressive to say the least.


Unknown said...

i am a Barca fan, and i hope Real will buy all of them so that we can beat the new Galacticos :)

T said...

Ambitious indeed! How is Real supposed to manage financing all these purchases?!?

Must say that the original galacticos that destroyed Man Utd over two quarter final legs a few years ago will always evoke good memories - it was exciting to watch so many 'superstars' play in the same side and tear apart a team that was so dominant domestically here in England.

benduti said...

i as well am a barca fan, and am not looking to hate on real, if anything im glad they're getting new players but what i really want to say is there is no way that you're going to see ribery and cristiano ronaldo on the same team, they both play the same positions! there would be too many ego's

Unknown said...

to Benduti: that's the mistake i hope Real will do, moreover, there are already too many egos in Real with their president :)

michael said...

ronaldo is a huge difference he will take them all the way

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