The Barcelona based daily “Sport” run an article today on the main
factors that have lead to the REAL MADRID Crisis. The fact that it
comes from “Barcelona” gives the reader a clearer & more insightful
analysis than a “Madrid” based daily as the latter is influenced by the
Real Madrid gravitational pull.

Here are their reasons:

1.Disuniting in the Real Madrid dressing room: The accumulation of
“stars” creates friction & the “scared cows” ( Raul, Guti, Casillas…)
influence Club decisions, including "indirectly" line-ups.

Bad Summer Planning: Real put all its “eggs in one basket”, the Ronaldo
Cristiano basket. When the player announced he would stay at Manchester
Utd it was too late to react.

3.Bad physical preparation: this is a cause of the numerous important
injuries up till now (Van Nistelrooy, Diarra, Higuain...)

4.No confidence in their youth sides
: Real rely on “outside players” not
in their in-house youngsters.

5.The top level directive power struggles: Football Director Pedga Mijatovic
vs Miguel Angel Portugal. Both destabilize the President Calderon, plus
have zero communication between them.

6.An angry social & fan base: demanded change

7. Bernd Schuster decided to “leave the ship”: He auto excluded himself
when he realized that the Club wasn’t 100% behind him (didn’t adhere
to his petitions). Apparently, Real Madrid were talking with Juande Ramos
4 weeks ago & Schuster knew it.

8.The shadow of Ex-President Florentino Perez: it’s rumoured that
Florentino Perez is waiting for the right moment to return as the
“messiah”. His strategy of "Crisis building" is destabilizing the Club.

As we can see, the Club is in REAL deep shit. It’s going to take a lot of hard
work from new Coach Juande Ramos, a few high spending transfers with the
accompanying economic deterioration & plenty of luck to keep this ship


Anonymous said...

hey good summary

Anonymous said...

Point number 2 is interesting, how they could prepare and do the plan if they always hire new coach too close to new season.

Fabio Capello said that when he was at the helm.

Anonymous said...

Good observation Chelsea420!

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