They´re happy are Camp Barça: they are League Leaders, about

to secure the pass to the next phase of Champions & have a
fabulous goal scoring record so far in all comps. They look good
on the field & new Coach Guardiola es exhibing the Barça
ideals: Happiness!

Nine rounds of the Spanish League & FC BARCELONA have
28 goals, that is, a 3,1 average per game. Local paper "Sport"
has written today an article praising this grand beginning to the
season encouraging everyone to go tonight to see the Barça vs
Basilea match of Champios, were there could be another goal


However, an SFS observation. Stay calm in the cloud, the next step

could be a heavy fall!

1 comment:

Sachin said...

I also think that Barca should be wary of getting too confident. They should not have tied against Basle but goes to show this team can be punished if they lose focus. Once the opposition in the Champions Leagues get tougher, then we will see what Barca is made up of.

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