The last moment penalty given against Atletico de Madrid which
allowed Liverpool to equalize in last Tuesday´s Champions League
Group qualifier is still giving us news & plenty to talk about.

It´s clear from the video that the penalty did not exist. If doubts
still continued, here is what the Swedish Referee Martin Hansson
said on Swedish TV "SVT Sport" & was picked up by the World Sport
Press (translated) : "From the position
I was on the field, I´m not
convienced it was a penalty

There you go folks...if things are to be done right, UEFA should
ban this referee for at least 3 games...but...

Spanish Sports daily "Sport" put in a little humour in their "Futbolitis"
cartoon section with Atletico de Madrid Coach Aguirre "voicing his
opinion"... (translated):

"To Platini I say XXXX & XXXX, XXXX, XXXX &.... plus XXXXXXXX
totally XXXX feedup"


Juan y Fer said...

What´s the matter with the spanish club? Atletico´s decision and yesterday the referee was very bad during the Real Madrid´s game.

Anonymous said...

I belive it wasnt the refree who gave the spot kick. As he said he wasnt convinced, but it was the linesman who gave it. We could see from the video ref blows the whisle and later only he gives the penalty as the linesman say's its a spot kick from the microphone.

Sachin said...

It was an awful decision but Liverpool seem to get these decisions going for them in the Champions League. Last season the Dutch ref, who was a good friend of Kuyt, didn't give Arsenal a penalty when Kuyt clearly pulled back Hleb. That was in the first leg and in the second leg, Liverpool got a non-existent penalty when Babel easily went down as Toure just touched him. If not for these penalty decisions, Arsenal would have gotten past Liverpool.

Against Atletico, it was disgusting to see that penalty given. Awful.

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