The long road of the UEFA Cup kicked off tonight with 4 Spanish
teams in action. Many consider the Uefa Cup more difficult & much

more unpredictable than the Champions League. The 1ºpart set up of
the Uefa Cup is a home & away knock out leg which then turns

into a Group ( Champions League format) stage to see the top teams
each group later fight it out till the final. It is basically a tooth-grinder
of a competition which takes the punch out of most teams.

The first team to feel the true nature of Uefa is DEPORTIVO who went
down away 2-0 to Norweign side BRANN BERGEN. The goals come
in the 20th min via a penalty that BJARNASSON converted & in the
36th min via SOLLI.

Bergen deserved the win as they were superior & will make the return

leg a must win game ( & with 3 goals) affair for Deportivo who face an
uphill battle.

SEVILLA FC did the job as was expected with a 2-0 victory at
home against SALZBURG. Young CAPEL ( above) scored the first
goal for Sevilla in the 6th min. From here Salzburg stood firm until
the 90th min when CHEVANTON scored Sevilla FC second goal.

In theory, Sevilla should´nt have problems for the return leg.

RACING with all the illusion in the world won an even affair against
HONKA ESPOO by the narrow margen of 1-0. The goal come in a

moment of a lapse of concentration from Honka as the 2º half had
just started. In fact, in the 46th min PEREIRA got in & scored Racing
only & winning goal.

Racing has the advantage for the return leg, but needs to be cautious
as it is not at all in the bag.

VALENCIA flew to the Portugues Islands of Madeira to meet
MARITIMO, a good Portugues side with class.
Valencia won 0-1
thanks to then 12th min fabulous goal
from MORIENTES (above).
However, Maritimo was not daunted & put Valencia at times against

the ropes. So much so, that in the 2º half they hit the post twice & nearly
equalized in the last minute, but Valencia too missed their chances
( Villa missed a
beauty) throughout the game to have the game turn to
a seesaw affair for most of the time.

Good win for Valencia, they escape from a tough ground & from a very

good Maritimo team. The 2º leg is going to be a grand game.

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