Situation: It´s Saturday & ESPANYOL plays FC BARCELONA
in a "high risk" local derby. That´s not the problem, the problem

is when FC Barcelona radicals called "Boixos Nois" ( "Our Boys",
shows us real
originality by these guys) begin throwing flares at
Espanyol fans. No reason at all, just to hurt, provoke & if lucky
cause some
disgrace. That is go to Football not to watch Football,
irrationality, this is the prime characteristic of these primitive

These objects - flares - are alight & burning & very dangerous
flying objects; there are numerous cases of lost limbs & even death by
receiving a
direct hit, & there they are, as the pictures show, when they
are banned by law from Football fields.

This, of course, caused the Espanyol fans to react in the same manner,
with the logical result that things get out of control & the game gets

called off for 10 mins. Great, thats good, but why in the hell are these
piece of shit with two legs allowed to go to Football when they are known
criminals, allowed to represent FC Barcelona & allowed to take in flares
who knows what other illegal stuff to cause injury & possibly death.

Everyone is blaming everyone: Espanyol blames Barça, Barça blames a
relaxed Espanyol security, both blame local police...bla bla bla. Luckly the

social outrage has lead Police to quickly identify via CCTV at least 5
brain damaged morrons that have been arrested. Thank god no one was
seriously injuried or killed, thank god!

This mental disease, were "useless" human wasted find their lost
identity in the "group" & the worship of abstract "concepts" as my
colours - what the fuck is this! - need psychological help. Seeing this

is not possible the law must be enforce with harsh punishment. The
Clubs should work to erradict this from their fans & players should
have the "balls" to go out in public & make a stand against this sort of

Unfortunately the disease is here, in the UK, Germany , Italy , Greece ,
Turkey..., & players score goals & celebrate jointly with these barbarians
( Barça players
did this after scoring twice on Saturday - they claim they
nothing...obviously blind to flare lights & screams) or go public &
that they admire Fascist ideas - Milan goalkeeper Abiatti - as a
group thing, the power of the collective. You idiot, collective & ideology

to an untrained mind - stupid mind - is interpretated as me vs the World.
Add drugs & alcohol & the World , the other Club & other people
become enemies to be hated & eliminated. Its dangerous stuff guys!

Either we take a stand or we are all going to feel a REAL disaster soon.
It maybe you one day, your friend, your son or the person next to you

that receives a flare driven in their face to explode...& then what!

A disgrace for Espanyol, a disgrace for FC Barcelona, a disgrace for
Spanish Football, a disgrace for Catalans, a disgrace for Spaniards,
a disgrace for any rational & thinking human being to witness this

senseless obedience to concepts that will not solve their life. Sport is
to united & not divide, to enjoy & not to cause pain. Its really simple!


Anonymous said...

these fans are banned from the barcelona home groud , and have not been to a match for over 4 years at the nou camp laporta stampd thids and was hi main policy when he became charge, barcelona shold have sent there faces to the espanyol club security to stop them tryig to represent barca , if they did i do not know.

these fans are a disgrace and as a barca fan it makes me ngry to think that they are represnting anything to dowith barca , who is a very charitable club with a prestigious history

T said...

Important article Striker, I'm sure all readers like me agree with the force of your comments.

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