ATLETICO DE MADRID is looking to add another top class forward
to its Forlan-Aguero combination for next season. That forward is
being said to be Brazilian RICARDO OLIVEIRA who is currently at
REAL ZARAGOZA. The latter was relegated & will play in the 2º
Division next season & it is unlikely that a player of this level stay in
a lower division.
Atletico, according to "Marca", will approach Zaragoza & offer a loan
deal for a year, if Zaragoza manage to return to 1º Division the player
will return. The other option is a straight buy, which has a price around
12M€, bit stiff for Atletico who will see how far the loan option stretches
before thinking about investing. Stay tuned!

News has come to our ears that English Premier League Club
CHELSEA FC flew to Madrid & placed on the table 50M€ for
The said amount is Aguero´s contract release clause figure, but
the actual player refused the offer wanting to stay were he is
happy & wishes to evolve further as a player.
Although Atletico fans are secure in knowing that Aguero is´nt going
nowhere, the club will have to lift his release clause & better his
economic conditions real soon, as the player may not always look
favourably at staying at Atletico, & the club has to protect its
interests with a higher release clause figure. Lucky this time, may
not be the next!

*Thanks to "Mundo Deportivo"for its club header
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