The Football Circus is definately in town & along with it the clowns.
The latest rumour, speculation, delusion or press hoax is that FC
BARCELONA is on the verge of making a "super offer" to AC MILAN

for its Brazilian star KAKA. The news is so...hard to believe...that
SFS has dedicated a separate post for this news.

The news comes out of "Sport" & they publish that the deal to be
offered will be: Ronaldinho, Zambrotta plus 20M€.

No doubt, its a hugh offer, but:
1. The player has to accept, which he has not & is more likely to say
no, because if he did wish to leave, he would go to Real Madrid.

2. Swap Kaka for Ronaldinho now. Must be crazy!.

Yes, AC Milan will not be in Champions next season & that´s bad news
for Kaka, but this story smells of a smoke-screen to cover the internal
problems at Barça.


Anonymous said...

I think it's just a rumor!But it would be great if he come to Barca!

Ich denke,dass es bloß ein Gerücht ist!Aber es würde großartig sein,falls er zu Barca komt!

Anonymous said...

I dont believe it either.

Team Penguin said...

Hola !!
He estado viendo su website, es fantastica ! Es bueno saber todo lo que esta pasando con las transferencias y con España !

Le escribo pues acabamos de terminar un nuevo juego que se llama Euroball, le encantara !

Es un video-juego de futbol que se juega con monedas hecho especialmente para la Euro 2008 , desarrollado por JVC, quienes estan regalando cantidades de premios a sus jugadores -- incluyendo tickets dobles para los partidos de la Euro 2008 !!!!!! Mientras mas personas jueguen, MAS TICKETS HABRAN para repartir entre todos !
Lo puedes encontrar en :


Y a parte de este juego, hemos creado otro donde puedes hacer tus propias caracteristicas para el y poner en tu blog.
Sientete libre de hacerlo tuyo :


Me encantaria saber que piensas de el, muchas gracias !!

Rubber Republic

Tom said...

Messi and Kaka together! Could you believe it? Let´s dream!
Good news for the football !!!

Tom said...

Striker, I added your link in my blog. Would you like to do the same?

Anonymous said...

Its up.
what will you do with the blog after Euro2008?

Team Penguin said...

Hello, where you able to play the Euroball game for the Euro 2008 prize draws ?? Thought in asking you in case you didn't got the info right ??

Thanks again,
Rubber Republic

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