Is the signing of Brazilian & FC BARCELONA star RONALDINHO
the cure for the AC MILAN blues? That’s the question that must
be asked, as everything seems to indicate that Ronaldinho has
already given his word to AC Milan & (if things go according) will
be their new player next season. However, some Football experts have
commented e.g. .Johan Cruyff & SFS agrees, that Ronaldinho
could be a problem more than a remedy, citing both technical/tactical
& personal reasons.

Starting first with personal reasons, the introduction of Ronaldinho
into the AC Milan dressing room could cause friction & “bad karma”
amongst the veteran players already there. AC Milan heavyweights
that have lifted single handed the club from the match fixing sanctions
& to European Cup glory like Nesta, Inzaghi, Seedorf, Gattuso, Pirlo,
Kaladze & Kaka, will not take a liking to having the “new boy in
town” ruffle feathers & have to adapt to his style. It’s known that
Ronaldinho is an individualist (read ex French player & Coach Luis
Fernandez biography) & has “undisciplined” moment’s common
with “Football Stars” of his level. The behaviour shown the last
two months at FC Barcelona clearly highlight that in his list of
priorities his team mates & club are not on the top of the list. This
unsettling new element may lead to friction with Milan’s biggest
player & currently big star of them all: Kaka. It is rumoured that
in real life both are not as good friends as though, or as shown via
the media. Ronaldinho needs the spotlight & the whims of the Football
World to feel wanted, loved & accepted, & that spotlight is currently
on Kaka. How will Kaka react if he is no longer the centre of the
AC Milan & Football Universe? How would Ronaldinho react if he
does´nt succeed? Badly one should expect, as they are humans &
with their own egos to feed, & this is leading to speculations that
the door may finally open for Real Madrid in the case of
(“…as a youngster I dreamed about playing at Real Madrid”) thanks
to the arrival of Ronaldinho.

The second area of reasoning is the tactical. Italian Football is more
physical & interruptive in its play. A ball player like Ronaldinho, who
needs to receive & have space, may find life on an Italian Football
field difficult, rough & frustrating. Added to this,where will Ronaldinho
play; in Clarence Seedorf ´s position? Pirlo´s? Kaka´s ? This is
reminiscent of what is happening to Thierry Henry at FC Barcelona
this season, where Henry has been placed as an attacking winger when
in Arsenal he was the focus point upfront & had liberty of movement.
What about current & recently signed young Brazilian forward Pato
who is exploding now, will he have to spend more time on the bench
to make room for Ronaldinho?

As you can read, too many questions & unknowns for any club , that
increases greatly the risk factors, a risk that is costing the club more
than 30M€. A hefty investment under any terms that needs to have a
return in benefits that may instead lead to losses in financial & club
terms. Dangerous move indeed if it is just all a Berlusconi whim or
just to sell shirts & merchandising.


Anonymous said...

I read SFS daily. But i find this post as insulting to what Ronaldhiniho has done for FC Barcelona and it's sucsess over the years. Definitly without him they wouldnt have sucseeded those trophies in the past few years. I belive the problem lies indeed inside FC Barcelona.He will be a true hero what ever people may say about him. If he leaves Barcelona they need to find another Brazilian as their no.10. The FC Barcelona No.10 should be a telented Brazlian as always. I wish him all sucsess with his new club.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

I sadden that you find this insulting, this is your right to free expression, I hope you can return this right to all as well...which I am sure beforehand.

No one doubts at all Ronaldinho´s contribution to Barça, Spanish Football & World Football.

What is expressed here is what many football experts, common people & the media are saying in Spain.

The truth is, like it or not, the player has been "faking" a non-existent injury for 2 months, many Barça fans blame him for Real Madrid being 10 points ahead , because he withdraw into his own personal corner (or gym) with his "situation" , while the team went out eliminated from Champions , Spanish Cup & now the league.

Anyway , anonymous, Football is never so serious enough in ones life as to feel insulted because you defend a footballer you will ( most probably) never know personally except via the TV. You may admire him , but never lose the situation.

Its true the BCN club is a big factor , by their uneducated behaviour as well. But they are losing as well. Last year Milan was willing to pay 100€ now the price is 30€!

Thanks for the visit & for the comments, this is precisely the philosophy of SFS, to debate & enjoy. Look forward to seeing you back, & perhaps with a name.


Anonymous said...

Thanx for the reply striker.

Why i said it is insulting is becos after all he has done for the club and it's sucess, most of the time the press lie about him and make it a big story. But i also agree he havnt done his best to help the club when they are in trouble. I belive he has his reasons. But Barca managent must be responsible for their crisis. I dont belive they should all put it on Ronnie and the press makes it easy for the club by making all false reports about him most of the time.
I agree with SFS that there might be problems in Milan with him. But i would love to see Ronnie back to his best and alongside with kaka'. I hope he wont be like Rivaldo to go and sit on Milan bench.

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the reply striker.

Why i said it is insulting is becos after all he has done for the club and it's sucess, most of the time the press lie about him and make it a big story. But i also agree he havnt done his best to help the club when they are in trouble. I belive he has his reasons. But Barca managent must be responsible for their crisis. I dont belive they should all put it on Ronnie and the press makes it easy for the club by making all false reports about him most of the time.
I agree with SFS that there might be problems in Milan with him. But i would love to see Ronnie back to his best and alongside with kaka'. I hope he wont be like Rivaldo to go and sit on Milan bench.

Anonymous said...

Take you Anil!Cheers. Striker

Anonymous said...

As observer of italian football, I think Ronaldinho will be only a little help for Milan problems. Milan needs to be changed deeply: younger players and a new start after some years of success. It's for these reasons that Milan is looking for Ronaldinho and not only him: Zambrotta and Mexesm for example, are other two players heavly searched by Milan to change its way.

T said...

Great article Striker and solid debate.

From my standpoint - admittedly far away and not fully informed - I see Ronaldinho as mentally given up at Barcelona and badly in need of a fresh start elsewhere if he is going to get close to his former glory.

AC Milan is a big club with an ethos of professionalism that can help Ronaldinho if he is receptive. If he is that there is no reason why he can't be an asset for Milan - he has got the ability and the other Milan players should appreciate what he brings on the pitch.

But if Ronaldinho has given up mentally on wanting to be a great professional footballer than from a footballing point of view it will be a waste of time for all concerned. I have my doubts about Ronaldinho's character to come back - hope they are misplaced.

Anonymous said...

Having followed all the games for Barca, am seeing Ronaldinho making a right choice. The truth is that there are problems there. This man is great . Just look at Barca without him.

lenie said...

ronaldinho is one of the great player.
i hope everything will be okay eventhough kaka had gone for milan.

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