Italian club JUVENTUS were in Madrid last weekend to talk with
REAL MADRID directives in an attempt to shut two desired
signnings: HIGUAIN & DIARRA, according to "AS" daily.
Real Madrid responded that they would not give a firm answer to
the Italians until the end of this season, as they wish to further consult
Schuster for his opinion.

Coach Schuster considers Higuain a young player with a hugh
potential future & is not keen in letting him go. The opposite
occurs with Diarra who has fallen out of grace at the club.
SFS will keep a close eye on developments.

Meanwhile, Sp.daily "Marca" publish that REAL MADRID has
chosen 24 year old Italian International & AC ROMA midfielder
DE ROSSI as the ideal man for the center. However , there is
a serious "obstacle", the 45M€ price tag the Italian club has placed
on the player. This is a bucket of cold water over Real Madrid plans,
that will need a lot of negotiation & $$$ if it is to go ahead.

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