Local daily "Mundo Deportivo" announce that FC BARCELONA
has gone back a third time to convience SEVILLA FC to let go of
its star Barzilian player & defender DANI ALVES. The paper claims
that both clubs may have an agreement after Barça presented a 30M€
offer.Earlier Barça attempted to lower the price putting in the deal
Giovani Dos Santos, but Sevilla has both wings well covered with
Navas &Capel.

To end, lets not discount Real Madrid who are in there as well & may
seduce the player. Stay tuned!

Staying at FC Barcelona , English paper "Sunday Mirror" hint that
Barça have TOTTENHAM HOTSPURS Bulgarian forward DIMITAR
on their agenda as a possible signning for next season.

Barça will be competiting with Real Madrid, AC Milan & Inter, but the
big hurdle for everyone is the price tag his English club as placed on their
player: a staggering 50M€. Stay tuned!

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