Spanish daily "Marca" have put on their cover today the players
that currently (repeat current) REAL MADRID coach Bernd

Schuster has on his list of wished players for next season.

They are, according to "Marca" & total speculations:

Karem Benzema (Olympique Lyon)
Klauss-Jan Huntelaar (Ajax of Amsterdam)
Christian Poulsen (Sevilla FC)
Ricardo Quaresma (Oporto)

Mario Gomez (Sttugart)
Dani Alves (Sevilla FC)

They are on the "Marca" cover, but also being speculated are Diego
(Bremen), Luis Fabiano (Sevilla FC) & ¿Ronaldinho (Fc Barcelona)?

BUT STOP! BACK TO REALITY! The cost of all these mentioned
players makes it all a "wank", there are other Big clubs after them
& in the end out of 8 mentioned, with luck, you may get 2 players.

SFS will keep its reader updated. Stay tuned


Zazinho said...

all Real Madrid needs is Diego or Nasri as a playmaker, Quaresma as a right winger unless Robben can prove he can play good on the right for more than 3 games in a row and Benzema or Huntelaar as a striker unless Soldado or Saviola prove they can play, i doubt it. As for Poulsen we don't need him, better off getting De La Red back. Daniel Alves would be a good buy but Sergio Ramos is better, so should buy a Center back like Richards from Manchester City or Garay from Racing. Also should get rid of Heinze and Salgado.

Anonymous said...

Zazinho, are you Nasri´s manager?

Zazinho said...

i wish :) if i was he'd be playing for Real Madrid by now.

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