RONALDINHO´s time at FC BARCELONA is over. The player
has been complaining the last 5 weeks of muscle problems that a
medical exam diagnose show are false & non-existent. The club is sick
& tired of the Brazilians "late night activities" that does not allow
him to turn up to training, this they claim is the reason for his
poor form. Add to this comments by Luis Fernandez , ex coach at
Paris St-Germain, that the player was then undisciplined, a late
night party man & an individualist & you have a very bad
environment at "Camp Barça".

Yesterday his representative & brother Roberto de Assis commented
on a Brazilian web site & again on "Radio Marca", that his player
leave FC Barcelona via FIFA´s Articule 17 that allows a player
with more then 3 years service of contract to leave his current club.
The representative even went further to speculate that Real Madrid
could be a fine alternative
(along with Milan). However today, the
representative commented that the news was false.

What´s clear is that too many people have seen the Brazilian in not
too good
conditions in the Barcelona night, that the player is not
injuried & simply
does not wish to play & that Barça have seen that
his time as the "Best Player in the World" are over & wish to get back
on their investment.

All these stories are being put out to cause the fan base to accept the
selling of their idol & to not give problems to the Barça directives.
Very sad indeed, another fall of a great player, who perhaps is burning
himself with the bright & tasty Barcelona lights.

Finishing on a positive note, Barcelona paper "Sport", comment
that English club CHELSEA FC has 28 year old
player XAVI HERNANDEZ on its agenda & may put on the table
a contract until 2012. Its going to be difficult to lure Xavi to London,
but hey, if the price is right, right? Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Sad to hear of Ronaldinho's apparent demise (if it's true) but it's obvious he's unhappy at Barca and is on the lookout for a move in the summer. Not sure if the top Premier League clubs will be so quick to launch bids to sign him as they would have been a few years ago but he's still a world class player on his day.

Anonymous said...

A real pity!

Unknown said...

During the last summer transfer, I was advocating a move for Ronaldinho, and not just because I'm a Real Madrid fan. I love the beautiful game, and feel that Ronaldinho in one of its patron saints. That said, I also predicted that he'd grow stagnant at Camp Nou, and a change of side might revitalize him. Sure enough, he seems to have deflated in Barcelona, only now I question if a move will do the trick, or if we've simply seen one of the greats hit their ceiling.

Then again, I don't see AC Milan turning him down, what with a Champion's League appearence suddenly in question for next season.

(And for the records, as a Madridista, I don't want him in white. Never thought I'd say it...)

Anonymous said...

Its very disappointing for the soccor lovers. I love this man. He has great skills and magic. So I believe he would be back. My heartly wishes for him.

Omar said...

He hasnt had the best year in the 08. But i still believe he can come back like before. Maybe Barca is the past for him, he might want to take on a new challange.

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