English sensationalist daily "The Sun" has released its Top 10 list of the
"Hardest Men In Football Histroy" with Spaniard & leyendary
named the 2º on the list. A "distinction" that was given to him after
injurying two mega-stars, BERND SCHUSTER ( knee) & MARADONA
( ankle), the latter almost ending his carreer.

Here is the VIDEO of the Maradona tackle that earned Goikoetxea the
unfortunate tag of "The Butcher of Bilbao". An extremely strong & red
card tackle indeed, that is no surprise given some tackles we see today.
If it was not Maradona the "victim" the world nor "The Sun" would have
known who this Spanish player was at all. In fact, another English daily
"The Times" named "Gioko" in the Nº1 place in History. SFS only adds
by saying that today "Goiko" is a highly respected football trainer &
expert,& in Spain his past football defending practices are seen as part
of his ex-job.

It just goes to illustrate the power of the media & the Worldwide spread of the
news. Take Italian defender Marco Materazzi, an ordinary player that would
have gone & disappeared in our memory & history except for a head-butt on
Zidane. If it was not Zidane & it was Thuram? This could become a trend; an
average player goes out consciously after the World´s Nº1 player: Kaka,
Messi, Aguero...& turns his poor professional life into a Mega-star of
Football...lets all be aware of this possibility!

Here is the Top 10 list given by "The Sun":

1º Grame Souness (Liverpool - 70/80)
2º Andoni Goikoetxea (Athletic - 80)
3º Dave Mackay (Tottenham - 60)
4º Romeo Benetti (Milan - 70)
5º Stuart Pearce (Nottingham Forest -80/90)
6º Roy Keane (Manchester - 90)
7º Norman Hunter (Leeds - 70)
8º Vinnie Jones (Wimbledon - 80)
9º Ron Harris (Chelsea - 70)
10º John Terry (Chelsea - actual)

Its interesting to see that out of the 10 names, 8 of them are English
Football based. Perhaps there is a message there somewhere.

1 comment:

Evo said...

I take your point that the power of hype can distort these kind of lists - but bear in mind that the sun is nonsense.

Also, I don't wish to defend the sun, but I should say that most of the players on the list were in the teams mainly to dominate, rather than be skillful; including Materazzi who was a thug before he was headbutted by Zidane.

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