Tomorrow the "winter transfer market" opens & lots of teams are
moving & dealing to reinforce their sides half way through the season.
Here are three transfer pieces ( or rumours ) that involve directly or
indirectly Spanish teams Valencia CF, Real Madrid & Atletico de Madrid

VALENCIA CF wishes to incorporate immediately BOCA JUNIOR
midfielder EVER BENEGA after putting on the table a 18M€ offer.
The Argentine side asks for time to study the offer because it has
to ask Real Madrid for permission - they have preferencial option.
Also other clubs like Chelsea, Atletico de Madrid & Juventus have

put in offers.

According to Portugues daily "Diario de Noticias", REAL MADRID
forward ROBERTO SOLDADO will force his way out of the Spanish
club in order to go & sign with BENFICA. The Portugues club is

coached by ex-Real Madrid player & coach Camacho who has asked
specifically for the player.
Soldado came as a real alternative up front for Real but has not played

at all, this is frustrating the player & his carreer

Controversial & "undisciplined" ATLETICO DE MADRID midfielder
MANICHE is being followed closely by INTER MILAN & is set to

make a 6M€ offer, according to "Corrieri dello Sport".
The player is out of favour with coach Aguierre after repeated

"bad behaviour" ( late to training, drunk driving, late night binges,
...etc). This could be the right moment for the club to get "rid" of

the player & get some cash.

Stay tuned for developments.

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