Its news all our Spanish media & half the world. FC BARCELONA
player RONALDINHO will meet with AC MILAN officials at
Port Alegre to study the Italian clubs offer of transfer, according to
the players own words after participating in a benefical game played
in Buenos Aires.

Although this is the primary contact phase, a transfer may take time
even if the player accepts, while both clubs "fight" it out over a transfer
fee. According to "Marca" the Italian giant wishes to incorporate the
player asap during the "Winter Market", & at a lower price than the 100 -
120M€ offered months ago when Ronaldinho was then recognized as the
Worlds Best Player ( which is not now the case).
So stay tuned, as it looks like that Ronaldinho´s days at Barça maybe
getting shorter.

Do you think this announces the end of the player at Barcelona?

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