According to English paper "The Sun" & local daily " As " REAL
& CHELSEA FC maybe about the offer themselves a

straight swap in the upcoming "winter market". Real Madrid´s
young Dutch pre-season star signning ROYSTEN DRENTHE is not

fitting in well nor getting a regular run. Added to this, his late night
partying is´nt helping & Real wish to slot the player elsewhere.
Chelsea is very interested & has a player in a similiar situation, French
International MALOUDA ( pictured below), who is´nt adapting to

English life or football.
Both sides are studying the swap option of their players as a solution.
The other option for Drenthe is a return to Feyenoord.
Stay tuned!

Another unhappy player at REAL MADRID is its Polish keeper JERZY
( pictured below). The player wishes to participate in the
upcoming Euro Championship & at the moment he is´nt playing.
The reason is simple, the goalkeeper playing is currently thought by many

as the current "Best Goalkeeper in the World", IKER CASILLAS

If Dudek wishes to have a chance to represent his country, he must
play & to play that means going elsewhere.
Makes you think: why did he sign for Real Madrid?

*SFS thanks "Mundo Deportivo" for the Real header

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