Spanish daily "Marca" asks the question. Is Saturday´s team the
basis of the new Spanish National Team?
The paper adds that Xavi Alonso, David Villa & Sevilla goalkeeper
Palop are the other 3 missing.

The Spanish mentality & personality has a bad habit of over
exemplifying "normal" achievements to later fall & hit the
ground with reality. Spain did win 1- 3 Denmark, but lets be
honest ( & with all respects to Denmark) they are not exactly
the best team around.

The local media is inflating beyond reason Saturdays victory,
important as it was, lets hope Spain, its Football managers &

players keep it all in perspective.


Evo said...

I think that on paper Spain and Argentina are the best sides in the world right now.
Both 'better' than Brazil.
Spain should be beating Denmark routinely

Anonymous said...

Surely Torres would make it into the best starting eleven??

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