REAL MADRID in the 1º half, & with control & a steady hand
took the 2º half to win their 5th title in 15 months with the SPANISH
SUPER CUP winning 3-5 ( 3-6 overall). The highlight to add was
the HAT -TRICK of KANOUTE who shows his back in form to
continue were he left off last season.
Real Madrid have serious problems in the defense & in the midfield,
as they are creating holes for the opponents to take advantage of
& allow them to score. This raises many questions: why did Real get rid
of Capello? Will Schuster survive the coaching job? This is not the
start that everyone thought for Real Madrid & new signnings may
not solve the problem: Robben?

The 1º half saw a ramped Sevilla FC, with goals from RENATO
(16"min & 28th min), plus a converted penalty by KANOUTE in
the 37th min.

Highlights for Real Madrid was the 1º goal by new signning DRETHE
from 30mts that beat the Seville keeper with power. A beautiful goal
the equalized for the team in the 23min
In the 45 th min Real pulled another goal with a header from CANNAVARO
the equalized for the team in the 23min
In the 45 th min Real pulled another goal with a header from CANNAVARO
to end the 1º half 2-3, with a total of 5 goals between both side scored in the first
45 minutes of the game!

45 minutes of the game!

The 2º half saw Real put a more attacking system on the field, removing
a defender (Torres) for a midfielder ( Guti), & it looked like they were
making head way when SERGIO RAMOS scored the equalizer ( 3-3) in
the 78min with a header.
However, it all went terribly wrong with 2 goals from KANOUTE in the
81st & 87th min, which included sloppy defending & a RED CARD
for PEPE. It was a very sad image that Real were exhibiting in the last
moments of the game
(Hat -Trick man Kanoute)
for PEPE. It was a very sad image that Real were exhibiting in the last
moments of the game
(Hat -Trick man Kanoute)
Final Score : 3- 5 ( Sevilla FC winner 3-6 overall)
Renato - 16"
Drenthe - 23"
Renato - 28"
Kanoute - 36" ( penalty)
Kanoute - 36" ( penalty)
Cannavaro - 45 "
Sergio Ramos - 78"
Sergio Ramos - 78"
Kanoute - 81"
Kanoute - 87"
Congratulations to Sevilla FC who deserve to win & are as strong as
last year. Lots of worrying & work for Real Madrid who need to drastically
improve their defense & do better in the midfield ( good play by DIARRA
today in the midfield & deserves a mention from SFS).
SFS imagines, its an embrassing picture to have to swallow below, in Real
Madrid´s home ground

Congratulations to Sevilla FC who deserve to win & are as strong as
last year. Lots of worrying & work for Real Madrid who need to drastically
improve their defense & do better in the midfield ( good play by DIARRA
today in the midfield & deserves a mention from SFS).
SFS imagines, its an embrassing picture to have to swallow below, in Real
Madrid´s home ground

Not surprising. Schuster's not the man for the Job. Del Bosque is. Even Capello is way better than Schuster. Schuster is a small team coach with a lot to learn. I am really disappointed with the management. first they sack Capello and bring in Schuster. Then they sign Pepe for 30m when there was more reliable more proven players like Chivu and Milito on the Market. Calderon should resign and so should Mijatovich but only after this season.
or and i think Real Madrid should get Alves and move Ramos in the Center instead of Pepe unless they get a better Center back
What about the 30M€ spent on Pepe?
I've been crying foul at Schuster since before Madrid picked him up, and there's no point continuing to bring up the idiocy that led to spending 30 mil on Pepe. At this point I have to shrug and admit that what's done is done. Madrid looked terrible at the break last season and ended up taking the league title, so despite what seems clear to be terrible mismanagment by the Dastardly Duo (Calderon and Mijotovich), the season has not yet gotten underway, and no matter what it will take a while for this team to gel, whether under Schuster or someone like Wenger.
I would like to make note, however, that Calderon has already cast his doubts about Schuster in saying that he could be out as early as December if he doesn't pull the team together. Calderon still believes that if you buy the most expensive players and pop in a coach - bingo bango - your team wins immediatly. Clearly out of touch with reality.
In response, Schuster claimed he wasn't worried, and said "Something can happen if we find a player who can improve us. Something is happening and the player will be a welcome addition."
In other words, Schuster is sluffing off responsibility and claiming the team just doesn't have the "right player." Drenthe, Sneijder, Pepe, Metzelder, Soldado and Baptista (both back from loan), Saviola... Well - thinks Schuster - we'll just have to keep buying more until things click. What an Idiot.
The Real Madrid problem is Calderon & Mijatovic...Real Madrid is just too big for them.
While on Real Madrid...Raul...his days are definately over...should make way for someone else!
See you back soon John.
It's still early guys!
I'm prepared to keep an open mind on Schuster - I was very happy with Capello and I don't think we should have sacked him, but what's done is done - let's see what Schuster can bring. Certainly people shouldn't be calling for his head yet it's still pre-season.
In way, what has happened to the team is exactly what one could predict, we are now less defensive and as a result concede lots of goals - this is why Capello was brought in in the first place.
Looking at alot of the footage it does seem like we would have conceded about 3 goals less if it weren't for Pepe (I didn't see the game, but handball, out of position on his marking and red card all seem significant).
Perhaps Metzelder will be first choice ahead of Pepe during the season - certainly I thought he looked pretty good.
I prefer the idea of Ramos on the right and Metzelder and Canavaro; so for me Alves isn't a priority.
Raul is a tricky one, and probably the hardest single player problem at Real, I don't think Schuster will retire or drop him, but I would agree, he hasn't looked good for a long time now.
Personally, I would never be the one to drop him if it were me, I would have to get someone else to do it when I wasn't looking!
Hahaha!! I love your take on Raul, evo; I feel the same way!
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