So close yet so far? Has REAL MADRID thrown the towel into the
ring in its effort to sign young ROYSTON DRENTHE?

According to Peter Vogelzang, FEYENOORD "Football Manager", Real
Madrid either... "does´nt want to or cannot meet his clubs demands",

according to "Marca" & "El Mundo".
"We made the conditions of transfer very clear, one more year at the club
or an economic effort"...Peter Vogelzang let known.

Feyenoord wish that Drenthe stay one more year at the club & to
help make that prime objective very clear, they have continually
been raising the transfer price 5, 10...15M€, etc. Obviously Real
neither wish to have Royston Drenthe another year at Feynoord
or pay such a high price. The result, a DEADLOCK!

Various possibilities:

1. Chelsea or FC Barcelona will now"attack" - with a higher offer.
2. The player will revolt if he really wishes to come to Real & this option

although risky usually wins in the end. However his youth plays against
such strong actions.

3. Feyenoord are using this as a strategic tactic to force Real to
pay their high transfer price. Traditional scare tactics!

4. Real Madrid could be saying its pulling out, to scare club & player
into a decision
5. Royston Drenthe will stay at Feynoord.

SFS thinks its Nº4 or 5, but carefull with the Nº1 possiblity, its a reality!
Stay tuned!

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