The REAL MADRID & MICHAEL BALLACK "mating game" makes
no "football sense" in the first place: a 31 year old player, 2 ankle
operations & 6 months without play & most striking, why sign a player
of his age if your going to have to sign a younger player in the future
- its a waste of money, time & effort.

Having said that, SFS finds that during the weekend Ballack, via his
representative ( which is the same as the man himself), apparently
said OK to REAL MADRID & that he accepted a 50% salary cut but
for a 3 year contract. Add to this an apparent price tag of 45M€ by
Chelsea in a "package deal" with Robben & you tell me how the
rumour got started?

Ballack has just commented via the Chelsea web site that he has no
intention of leaving Chelsea & is happy in London. He has no wish
of signning for Real Madrid & has never had any contact with the club.

Amazing comments, after Michael Beckert , his representative went to
say on "Kicker" that they have had "indirect" contacts with Real

Smells real BULLSHIT here folks. Real Madrid is forgetting that it
is one of the greatest clubs of all time & does ´nt need to take the SHIT
it´s getting from Chelsea, Robben or in this case "has been" Ballack!
If the player does nt want to come, well stay in London.

But this is football folks & what is said today is contardicted tomorrow.
A NO today is a YES tomorrow, although in SFS opinion Real dose´nt
need Ballack. But which club listens to common sense, its fans & least
of all SFS?
Any opinions experts?


Evo said...

I can't see the sense in Ballack unless there is a very short term plan for him - however, some argued last year that Nistelrooy was over the hill.
I cant imagine that real would buy Ballack if his ankles were screwed up - he wouldnt pass the medical.

Incidentally, without Reyes I think we need Robben even more now. Balboa looked promising but immature in last nights game against PSV

Anonymous said...

Could be. By the way Evo..."we need..." you know that I follow Atletico, right? :)

Marco said...

Buen blog!
Vaya intercambio de links.
Confirmame a
Futbol Argentino.

Saludos de Buenos Aires!!!

Unknown said...

Hasn't some giant club already wasted a shit-ton of money on Ballak, and gotten next to nothing in return? Oh yeah, Chelsea. Hopefully the duds in Madrid's front office took note.

Any way you slice it, this is the most embarrassing time of year to be a Real Madrid fan. If we (meaning ME AND EVO'S team) buy Ballak I will puke all over myself in disgust. Robben would provide us with a talented left wing, which would free Robinho to take the right, where he belongs - so yes, that would be nice. But in the meantime we're letting a score of young and more affordable talents slip out of our grasp, and more pressing needs (left back, for example) are being virtually ignored (bear in mind that Drenthe is more of a wing then a back).

Sigh. But Striker: You crack me up. It's clear that the endless and ridiculous rumors that are the Transfer Season is getting to you, as it is all of us. Fortunately for you, your team has actualy been pretty smart so far.

Thanks for the updates, as always.


Zazinho said...

Samir Nasri, Schnidjer, Van Der Vaart, Diego(werder), Quaresma and buch of other players are a better option than Ballack

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Evo said...

Striker - yes of course I know you support Atleti

I feel I am entitled to say 'we' when it comes to Real given i am a member and spend (too much) money on travelling over to Madrid staying in hotels and paying for tickets!

Anonymous said...

Evo you can say what you like...SFS is a democratic zone!

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