take its own trophy & competition, the prestigious "Terresa Herrera"

Deportivo played a great match, specially in the 1º half , & deserved
to win. They missed half a dozen chances to add to their 2 goals &
made Real look aimless. The goals came via RIKI & VERDU for Depor
& BAPTISTA for Real. The latter scored a real cracker from outside
the box to draw the game in the early 2º half, & played a good match.
Baptista is saying on the field that he wishes to remain at Real & win
his place & its showing by his work & effort.

Apart from this, Real need to get better. Hopefully the incorporation
of Royston Drenthe & soon to be Robben will give it the equilibrium
its now missing. Things can only get better for Real, they need to.

Pablo, Deportivo Captain, takes the giant pure silver trophy for his


Evo said...

I agree Real need to get better, but with the exception of Ramos and Saviola in the second half none of the team were fist team picks.
Best players for me were Salgado, Balboa and Baptista.
Biggest dissappointments were Gago and Raul. Gago in particular is going to find himself sold in the next transfer window if he's not careful. Clearly he is talented, but we weren't getting anything out of him last night, in fact when de la red moved back to his position after he left the pitch, de la red looked much better.

Overall, I am concerned by Shuster's approach to the team so far, I expect that he is more worried than he is letting on. I just don't get the same sense of confidence that I got with Capello in the pre-season. There's a large look of disorganisation about the team.
Currently, he seems to be leaning on the talent of the players as individuals and allowing them a much freer reign over how and where they play compared to Capello. This is consistent with what Shuster has already said, but i'm not qualified to know if it will pay off.
To me they still look like they struggle to create stuff, so i can understand the desperation for another creative midfielder. Also, finishing looks to be a problem from the likes of Robinho, Soldado and Saviola; although my guts are telling me that Saviola won't have problems during the season.

Finally, Robinho has to start reaching his full potential this season, he has the right coach who emphasises attacking football and he won't be forced back to defend - no excuses.

Unknown said...

I'd be suprised if Robinho doesn't make an impact for Real this season. He should finaly get back to the right where he belongs, and I feel he's ripe to hit his prime.

I totally agree about Schuster, and have been vocalizing my worries since day 1. I'm already prepared to say I'd be suprised if he makes it past this season. And that would be a shame - the revolving door of Madrid coaches to continue turning.

Lastly, with new players, it takes a team a while to develop a fluidity and understand their roles. Schuster needs to guide them, but it will still take the players a bit to get familiar with eachothers styles of play. Once the season gets underway, they will find this, and they will get progressively better and better. I won't be suprised if they have a slow start and a strong finish - the Madrid way - I just hope they're not too far behind. I see Valencia as being the early stand-outs, and Barcelona look to adapt to changes very quickly. They'll probably be the team to beat, once again. Any thoughts?

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