FC BARCELONA look for a defender, now that CHIVU has chosen
REAL MADRID, & they have turned their attention to Argentine &
Zaragoza defender GABI MILITO.
However, Barça is battling on this front as well against JUVENTUS
are also after Milito.

Therefore, Barça have Plan C up their sleeve, in case the Milito option
fails as well. According to "Sport" 3 players are on the Plan C agenda:
ANDRADE ( Deportivo), HEINZE (Man Utd.) & PEPE (Oporto).
Stay tuned for developments!

Staying with FC BARCELONA, according to English paper
"The Sun", Barça has made a 18M€ offer to CHELSEA for its
midfielder FRANK LAMPARD. However, Barça has already
spent 47M€ of its 50M€ budget & they have a defender as a
signning priority at this moment.
JUVENTUS is another club said to be in a strong position for
the player & is pushing hard.

has presented RIO
MAVUBA as its new player for
the next 5 seasons.

The 23 year old French International
midfielder comes from French club

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